Step 17: Accept the confirmation and notify Sender

When the Destination PSP accepts the pacs.008 payment instruction, they will respond with a pacs.002 status report, which will be sent back to Nexus. Nexus will forward the pacs.002 to the Source IPS, who will forward it to the Source PSP.

pacs.002 Status for time-critical payments

For a pacs.008 with an instruction priority of HIGH, the pacs.002 will have one of the following status codes (found in /Document/FIToFIPmtStsRpt/TxInfAndSts/TxSts/):

  • ACCC: the Destination PSP has accepted the payment and credited the Recipient’s account

    • The Source PSP should inform the Sender that the payment has successfully reached the Recipient

  • RJCT: the Destination PSP payment has been rejected. A reason code may provide further information. In the Source IPS, any reservation of funds against the Source PSP has been cancelled and any movement of funds from the Source PSP to the Source Settlement Account Provider has been reversed.

    • The Source PSP should inform the Sender that the payment could not be made.

pacs.002 Status for non-time critical payments

For a pacs.008 with an instruction priority of NORM, two addition status codes are possible (in addition to ACCC and RJCT):

  • ACWP (Accepted Without Posting): The funds have reached the Destination PSP, but have not yet been credited to the Recipient’s account. This may be because the payment triggered a sanctions screening alert which needs to be manually reviewed.

    • When ACWP is received, the Source PSP must inform the Sender that the payment is still being processed but has not yet been credited to the Recipient. The Source PSP should ensure the Sender knows how to confirm if/when the payment has been completed (eg via a notification from the app, or by checking their statement)

An ACWP response must be followed up later with one of the following outcomes. The follow-up response must be sent within the Service Level Agreement time defined in the Nexus Rulebook (currently proposed to be 2 hours):

  • A pacs.002 with the status ACCC, meaning that the Recipient’s account has been credited.

  • A pacs.002 with the transaction status BLCK, meaning that the funds will not be returned to the Sender and have not been credited to the Recipient. This is most likely in the case that the payment was identified to be illicit after sanctions screening.

  • A pacs.002 with the transaction status ACWC (Accepted With Changes) meaning that the Destination PSP has been unable to ascertain whether the payment can be accepted or not. This may mean that the Destination PSP was unable to resolve a sanctions screening alert within the time limit defined in the Nexus Scheme Rulebook.

    • This will be followed by a pacs.008 or pacs.004 message returning the funds.

    • The Source PSP should inform the Sender that the payment has been unsuccessful and that the funds will be returned to the Sender’s account.

If the ACCC message is received, the Sender should be notified (possibly through a notification or update on the app/online banking, or via an update to their statement).

Further information on each step is given in the corresponding sections:

Last updated