Fees and Amounts
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Returns the maximum payment amount for a specified country, based on the countryCode and currencyCode provided. (Currency code is required because some countries use 2 currencies in parallel.)
2-letter country code of the requested country.
3-letter currency code.
Retrieves the various fees and amounts based on specified parameters. Information can be used in the pacs.008 payment instruction.
The source currency code.
The destination currency code.
The currency of the specified amount.
The amount in the specified amount currency. If the amount is defined in the Source Currency, this amount must be the amount AFTER the Source PSP has made any deduction. (This is the Interbank Settlement Amount that must be transferred to the FXP's account at the Source SAP). If the amount is defined in the Destination Currency, this must be the Creditor Agent Amount that will be credited to the recipient's account.
The exchange rate from the source to destination currency.This information must be taken from (a) a quote provided by Nexus, or (b) the Source PSP's own exchange rate (when the Source PSP manages their own FX.).
Returns the Nexus Scheme Fee Formula (paid by the Source IPS to the Nexus Scheme) in a specified Source Currency, denominated in the Source Currency
The country code of the SOURCE Country.
The 3-letter currency code
Returns the Creditor Agent (Destination PSP) Fee FORMULA for a specified Destination Country, denominated in the Destination Currency.
The 2-letter country code of the DESTINATION Country.
The 3-letter currency code of the DESTINATION Country.