
Nexus Service Desk

Nexus will provide a Service Desk which will contain a directory of every PSP in the Nexus network, along with the relevant operations, compliance and dispute officers for each PSP. The service desk will support the creation of tickets that can be assigned by one PSP to another PSP. This is a more reliable way of tracking and processing exceptions than manual communication channels such as email or telephone (although the directory will also contain contact details for the relevant officers).

Nominated staff of each PSP will be able to log into the Nexus Service Desk to register investigations, enquiries, recall requests and disputes. Once a case is created the service desk will automatically send a notification to the relevant officer at the relevant PSP.

In general, cases PSPs should work to resolve cases bilaterally, without involving the staff of the Nexus Scheme Organization. However, the NSO may monitor the average age and status of cases in the system and engage with PSPs who consistently fall below the expectations for responsiveness and resolution.

Logging Disputes

Disputes should be logged in the Nexus Service Desk. The timelines for resolving disputes are defined in the Nexus Scheme Rulebook. Disputes can be raised by both the Sender and the Recipient of a transaction.

There are currently no Nexus ISO 20022 messages defined to send automated disputes.

According to the Nexus Scheme Rulebook, some disputes may be escalated to the NSO. A PSP must request an escalation through the Service Desk.

Last updated