pacs.002 Differences from CPMI/CBPR+ Guidelines

The differences described in pacs.008 Differences from CPMI Harmonisation Requirements also apply when the same fields are used in pacs.002. In addition, for the pacs.002 confirmation message, the Nexus message guidelines have the following differences from the CBPR+ guidelines:

  • The Original Group Information (OrgnlGrpInf) is optional in Nexus in line with the CPMI recommendations, while this is mandatory in CBPR+.

  • The Original End-to-End Identification (OrgnlEndToEndId) is optional in Nexus in line with the CPMI recommendations, while this is mandatory in CBPR+.

  • The Status Reason Information is mandatory (in case the transaction status is RJCT) in Nexus in line with the CPMI recommendations, while this is optional in CBPR+.

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