Recall Requests

It is not possible for the Source PSP to stop the processing of a payment that has been submitted to Nexus. Unless the payment fails for any other reason, the funds will be credited to the Recipient’s account. If the Nexus payment is confirmed by the D-IPS, the payment is deemed final for Nexus (see the Nexus Scheme Rulebook for specifics on finality) and cannot be recalled.

In case the Source PSP needs to request the return of a payment, the following process must be followed:

  1. The Source PSP must log a “Payment Recall Request” in the Nexus Service Desk, and assign the case to the Destination PSP.

  2. The Destination PSP must review the case within the SLA defined in the Nexus Scheme Rulebook.

  3. If the Destination PSP wishes to reject/refuse the request, it must update the case with the relevant reason for rejection.

  4. If the Destination PSP accepts the request, it will:

    1. update the case and then trigger a new Nexus payment back to the Source PSP, with the Sender’s account defined as the creditor. See Returns.

The D-PSP is allowed to deduct a reasonable administrative from the amount to be returned for processing the recall.

In a future release of Nexus, support will be added for the following ISO 20022 messages:

  • the camt.056 FI to FI Payment Cancellation Request message, which references the original payment and describes a reason for the return request

  • the camt.029 Resolution of Investigation message, which informs the Source PSP whether the Destination PSP intends to reject or accept the request, and the reasons for that decision

  • the pacs.004 Payment Return message (see MESSAGE: pacs.004 Payment Return (Not yet supported))

These messages will allow payment recalls to be processed automatically without manual use of the Nexus Portal.

Last updated