Gets all the address types AND inputs for a specified Country
Returns all address types AND their associated inputs for a specified country. This can be used instead of calling the two APIs listed below in sequence.
"addressTypeId": "PHACCT",
"addressTypeCode": "ACCT",
"clearingSystemId": "PHPINST",
"displayOrder": 3,
"countries": [
"inputs": [
"addressInputId": "PHINPT1",
"attributes": {
"name": "accountOrProxyId",
"type": "number",
"pattern": "^d{10,18}$",
"placeholder": "1234567890",
"required": true
"iso20022XPath": {
"acmt023": "/Document/IdVrfctnReq/Vrfctn/PtyAndAcctId/Acct/Id/Othr/Id",
"pacs008": "/Document/FIToFICstmrCdtTrf/CdtTrfTxInf/CrtrAcct/Id/Othr/Id"
"label": {
"addressTypeCode": "ACCT",
"title": {
"en": "Account number, 10-18 digits",
"de": "Kontonummer, 10-18 Ziffern"
"addressInputId": "PHINPT2",
"attributes": {
"name": "finInstId",
"type": "text",
"pattern": "^[A-Z]{6}[0-9A-Z]{2}([0-9A-Z]{3})?",
"placeholder": "AAAAPHAAXXX",
"required": true
"iso20022XPath": {
"acmt023": "/Document/IdVrfctnReq/Vrfctn/PtyAndAcctId/Agt/FinInstnId/BICFI",
"pacs008": "/Document/FIToFICstmrCdtTrf/CdtTrfTxInf/CdtrAgt/FinInstnId/BICFI"
"label": {
"addressTypeCode": "BICFI",
"title": {
"en": "BIC of the Recipient's Bank or Payment Service Provider",
"de": "BIC der Bank oder des Zahlungsdienstleisters des Empfängers"
"addressTypeId": "PHEMAL",
"addressTypeCode": "EMAL",
"proxyDirectoryId": "PHPROXY",
"displayOrder": 2,
"countries": [
"inputs": [
"addressInputId": "PHINPT3",
"attributes": {
"name": "accountOrProxyId",
"type": "email",
"pattern": null,
"placeholder": "",
"required": true
"iso20022XPath": {
"acmt023": "/Document/IdVrfctnReq/Vrfctn/PtyAndAcctId/Acct/Prxy/Id",
"pacs008": null
"label": {
"addressTypeCode": "EMAL",
"title": {
"en": "Email address",
"de": "E-Mail-Addresse"
"addressInputId": "PHINPT2",
"attributes": {
"name": "finInstId",
"type": "text",
"pattern": "^[A-Z]{6}[0-9A-Z]{2}([0-9A-Z]{3})?",
"placeholder": "AAAAPHAAXXX",
"required": true
"iso20022XPath": {
"acmt023": "/Document/IdVrfctnReq/Vrfctn/PtyAndAcctId/Agt/FinInstnId/BICFI",
"pacs008": "/Document/FIToFICstmrCdtTrf/CdtTrfTxInf/CdtrAgt/FinInstnId/BICFI"
"label": {
"addressTypeCode": "BICFI",
"title": {
"en": "BIC of the Recipient's Bank or Payment Service Provider",
"de": "BIC der Bank oder des Zahlungsdienstleisters des Empfängers"
"addressTypeId": "PHMBNO",
"addressTypeCode": "MBNO",
"proxyDirectoryId": "PHPROXY",
"displayOrder": 1,
"countries": [
"inputs": [
"addressInputId": "PHINPT4",
"attributes": {
"name": "accountOrProxyId",
"type": "tel",
"pattern": "^\\+(?:[0-9] ?){6,14}[0-9]$",
"placeholder": "+633456789101",
"required": true
"iso20022XPath": {
"acmt023": "/Document/IdVrfctnReq/Vrfctn/PtyAndAcctId/Acct/Prxy/Id",
"pacs008": null
"label": {
"addressTypeCode": "MBNO",
"title": {
"en": "Mobile phone number, including the country code",
"de": "Mobiltelefonnummer, einschließlich der Landesvorwahl"
"addressInputId": "PHINPT5",
"attributes": {
"name": "finInstId",
"type": "text",
"pattern": "^[A-Z]{6}[0-9A-Z]{2}([0-9A-Z]{3})?",
"placeholder": "AAAAPHAAXXX",
"required": true
"iso20022XPath": {
"acmt023": "/Document/IdVrfctnReq/Vrfctn/PtyAndAcctId/Agt/FinInstnId/BICFI",
"pacs008": "/Document/FIToFICstmrCdtTrf/CdtTrfTxInf/CdtrAgt/FinInstnId/BICFI"
"label": {
"addressTypeCode": "BICFI",
"title": {
"en": "BIC of the Recipient's Bank or Payment Service Provider",
"de": "BIC der Bank oder des Zahlungsdienstleisters des Empfängers"
Get address types (only) for a specified country
Returns high-level address types (only) for a specified country, without detail of address inputs. Can be used to generate the form where the Sender selects between (eg) mobile, email address, IBAN etc.
Get the detailed input fields for a specified Address Type
Returns the detailed input fields for a specified Address Type, as defined by addressTypeId. Can be used to generate the form where the Sender will provide the account or proxy details for the Recipient.