Note: The process below is shown with demonstration screens in Sending Payments > Steps 7-9 Addressing, Proxy and Confirmation of Payee.
When the Sender selects the Destination Country for a payment in their PSP’s app, the Source PSP will call the GET /countries/{countrycode}/addressTypes
API operation, specifying the country code. Nexus will respond with a full list of address types for that country, including any proxy types, Account Identification formats and/or IBAN. (See Address Types for details.)
The Source PSP will show the Sender a form allowing them to select one of the possible address types, according to the details they were given by the Recipient.
The Sender selects an address type (eg the “Mobile” option on the form; in the case of a payment to Singapore, this would select the address type with the ID “SGMBNO”).
The Source PSP will call the GET /addressTypes/{addressTypeId}/inputs
API operation to retrieve the input fields that are required for this address type.
The Source PSP could retrieve the address inputs for all address types in a single API call by using
GET /countries/{countryCode}/addressTypesAndInputs/
instead of
GET /countries/{countryCode}/addressTypes/
The Source PSP’s app will use the address inputs to generate the app form to enter the address details
The Sender will enter the details that they were given by the Recipient (eg “+6580001234”).
The Source PSP’s app must validate that the address details entered by the Sender are in the correct format. These validation rules will be provided as regular expressions (regex) in the address inputs information provided by Nexus. This allows the PSP to validate the format of the data in-app, prior to any communication with Nexus or the proxy scheme.